
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Getting Paid Huge for Sitting in Front of a PC

Computer Forensics Jobs

If you didn’t know by now, Computer Forensics is fast growing into quite the career field for people interested in technology-based crimes. It has produced a lot of jobs for law enforcement, intelligence agencies, the military and large scale corporations and businesses.

Look it up in the local classified ads directory and you’ll see that a lot of opportunities are opening up by a multitude, paralleling that of the rapid increase in computer crimes. Now’s about the best time to find yourself a computer forensics job.

Back in the day, computer crimes were nothing but rare occurrences that we seldom heard about, with news of hackers trying to infiltrate a huge conglomerate’s private division, blackmailing them with hidden information in exchange for money.

Nowadays, it has become an everyday thing which has forced people to be extra secure with the data stored in their computers, leading law enforcement agencies to acquire field experts in the search for these networking terrorists looking to steal money and valuable information from right under the noses of large scale companies and residences everywhere.

The fact of the matter is, people have grown so attached to the Internet, making it a part of their daily routine, and every hacker or cyber terrorist knows this, eventually planning to abuse their skills in technology for a bit of unlawful monetary compensation.

Basic Compensation

If you’re planning to jump in on this career opportunity, you’ll be more than happy to know that the basic compensation you’ll be getting if you ever apply for an IT forensic specialist position is $85,000 a year. For a starting job, that’s a lot, and can even go all the way up to $120,000 per year, but of course the salary you earn is highly dependent on the skills that you have as well as the experience. One should also take into account the company and organization he intends to apply in, as some have rather low salaries to offer, nonetheless nothing lower than the basic rate provided above.

Advantage Of Having A Degree

If you have a graduate degree in the mentioned field of expertise, it can easily lead you to a rapid growth in career, making you highly qualified to apply for much higher job positions like forensic team leader or bureau supervisor. You could also become a consultant for companies, as the position makes for quite an attraction among forensic pros, considering that you are a freelancer, not bound by any contract except for a special project you were hired for.

Ripping The Fruits

You can charge a huge sum of payment for the time you’ve spent working on a specific assignment, adding to the fact that you have an hourly rate of anywhere from $375 to $600. It’s all dependent on the client’s need for your services and the kind of job you’re taking. Looking at the most basic computer forensics jobs, you’re bound to get rich in no time!

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